If you have suffered from the loss of most or your teeth, or possibly even all of them, this could impact the function and appearance of your smile. Fortunately, we can help with a set of dentures. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about creating custom full and partial dentures so you can feel confident in your smile and enjoy your favorite meals again.
The Need for Custom Dentures
We recommend this for people who have a more advanced case of tooth loss. If you have several gaps across the arch of your smile, or if you are missing most or all of your teeth, then you need to see our team for tooth replacement. By addressing your missing teeth, you avoid complications like misalignment, TMJ disorder, bruxism, unclear speech, and limited meal options. You can instead enjoy your favorite dishes and smile with confidence, which can boost your overall quality of life.
Partial Prosthetics
If you have a complex case of tooth loss, such as multiple gaps, but still have enough teeth that a full denture isn’t necessary, then you could receive a partial. The prosthetic will contain new ceramic teeth that are shaded to blend with your smile, all set in an acrylic base that looks like gum tissue. These new teeth will fit in between the gaps in your smile. Metals clasps will attach to atrial teeth to secure your new ones, but they will be invisible when your new teeth are in place. These tend to last about 5 to 10 years before replacement is needed, and will discuss how to clean and soak them.
If you have lost most of your teeth, then you may benefit from a complete denture. Our team will gently remove the last few from your smile and take detailed digital images and measurements so we can design your full. The prosthetic will contain a complete row of new teeth in an acrylic base, and suction or adhesives will help keep it firmly in place. We will discuss good care for them to ensure they can last for years to come, so you can continue to smile with confidence.
If you have any questions about how we tackle more severe tooth loss with our full and partial dentures, or if you want to schedule a visit with our team to see which is right for you, then contact our office today to learn more!
Enjoy Custom Dental Prosthetics with Help From Dr. Browne, D.D.S.
Our team is ready to take on more advanced cases of tooth loss with our dental prosthetics. To find out more about securing a new set of teeth, then call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.