Tooth Extraction Could Protect Your Smile

When a tooth can no longer be treated with a filling or crown, or when you need to prepare smiles for bridges or dentures, then you could benefit from a tooth extraction. This safe and gentle procedure could save your smile from major complications. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about the tooth extraction process.

The Reasons to Remove a Tooth

When does a tooth need to be removed? An extraction could be necessary if severe decay or infection threatens to cause missing teeth and the spread of infection to other parts of the smile. We could take out teeth loosened by gum disease, or even to make room for orthodontic treatment. Sometimes we remove teeth to pave the way for your bridges or dentures, or if restoration isn’t possible following a serious injury. We could also remove wisdom teeth before they erupt and cause complications for your smile.

Planning the Process with Digital Technology

Our team will plan the procedure in detail and take steps to ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable the entire time. For example, we will take detailed digital x-rays, which use 90% less radiation and provide high-definition images instantly chairside. These allow us to plan the process and avoid contact with nerve tissues, blood vessels, and sinus cavities. To ensure you are comfortable, even if you have dental anxiety, our team will administer a local anesthetic to the area being treated. We also have dental sedation, which can help you reach a deep state of calm, and leave you with little to no memory of the treatment experience.

What Happens Next?

When you are ready, we will gently remove the tooth with a pair of forceps, which can take as little as 30 minutes in some cases. We then suture the area closed and will remove them in a follow-up visit. In the meantime, we will provide instructions to ensure a clot forms and the area heals, such as resting for the first day or two, eating soft foods, avoiding straw use, and being gentle when you brush and floss. We may also provide prescriptions for medications to aid in the healing process.If the extraction leaves behind a gap in your smile, our team can help with the placement of a bridge or even a dental implant.

If you have any questions about how we conduct a safe and gentle tooth extraction, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health with our restorative treatment options. To find out more about how we address complex oral health issues, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.