Why We Screen For Oral Cancer

Cancer is a topic that many people do not like to talk about. However, it’s important to know your risk and the signs of it, that way it can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Your biannual checkup includes a screening to look for potential signs of disease. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist discusses the importance of checking for these concerns.

Changes In And Around Your Smile Could Be A Warning Sign

It’s important to regularly monitor your smile at home and by a professional when you come in for your biannual dental visit. At home, you can check for irregular patches that may be red, white, or feel rough to the touch. If the texture of your tongue has a noticeable change, this could also be a sign of a concerning problem. Any new growths or ulcers that do not go away should be looked at as soon as possible, as these could be signs of oral cancer. It’s important that you address changes in your smile promptly because early diagnosis and treatment can increase your chances of recovery.

It’s Important To Know Your Risk Level

Oral cancer screenings should be done regularly for all patients, but if you are at a higher risk, it’s essential that you monitor changes by yourself as well. Adult men around the age of 50 are at a high risk of developing this form of cancer, as well as patients who smoke, drink heavy amounts of alcohol, or have high amounts of sun exposure. While some of your risk factors are genetic, like your family history or medical conditions, you can limit risks in other ways by addressing external factors. By stopping the habit of smoking cigarettes and decreasing your alcohol consumption, you can decrease your risk of developing this disease.

Other Benefits Of Biannual Checkups

When you come in for your biannual checkup, your teeth will be cleaned and polished, and a thorough examination will be performed to look for changes in your oral health. These visits are a great time to ask your dentist questions, find cavities, spot signs of oral cancer, and address many other concerns. Your dentist can help diagnose other concerns like bruxism, TMJ, and more. Bruxism causes patients to grind their teeth excessively and without being aware of it. This can wear down your pearly whites and cause significant damage. Your dentist may be able to spot these signs and help relieve the problem. By detecting these common concerns early on, they can be treated efficiently, and you can have a healthy, long lasting smile.

Call Us To Schedule Your Next Appointment

Biannual checkups help maintain your oral health and detect problems early. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, call 913-901-8585.