Improve Your Smile With Quality Dentistry

improve your smile prairie village ks

Are you looking to enhance your smile? If so, the best place to start is at your local dentist’s office for a cleaning and an examination. By knowing more about your smile, you can make informed decisions related to your oral health, and you can also have a clearer understanding of what is achievable in terms of results. When you want to improve your smile, take the time to meet with your oral health team to discuss your possibilities in cosmetic dentistry, from safe and effective teeth whitening to orthodontic enhancement with clear aligner therapy.

With our team of helpful cosmetic dental professionals in Prairie Village, KS, you can take steps toward a more attractive smile while making sure to keep an eye on your oral health the entire way through. If you want to see a brighter smile in the mirror, make an appointment with our team and ask Dr. Browne about the advantages of our teeth whitening kits, brought to you by a professional. To find out more about your options in cosmetic dentistry rom out team, give our front desk a call today!

When You Want A Brighter Smile, Start With A Checkup

Teeth whitening is a popular procedure, but you want to make sure that you are doing it right. Overbleaching can lead to dentin sensitivity, which is a lasting condition that can follow you long after your whitening treatment. While there have been many new over-the-counter products that have hit the market in recent years, none of these give you the information that you need, and that means that by starting your whitening with a dentist, you can understand the causes of your condition before you apply bleaching agents to your enamel. At our office, we can diagnose enamel stains and outfit you with a set of custom whitening trays that safely and effectively remove deep stains from your enamel.

Looking For More? Our Team Can Help You To Improve Your Smile

For some patients, teeth whitening is simply not enough. When you want more extensive renewal, ask your dentist about the versatility of veneers, which provide comprehensive smile improvement. Our team also offers bonding and contouring to help you to achieve the smile of your dreams. If you are ready to make a change to a more attractive set of teeth, talk to our team about all of your options.

Find Out More About Cosmetic Dentistry With Dr. Browne in Prairie Village!

Achieving a better smile is possible with a quality oral health team. To find out more about our advanced dentistry and how we can improve your smile, give our team a call at the office of Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.