Do You Need Ultrasonic Scaling?

Biannual checkups and at-home care can prevent several common dental problems. However, if you need extra care to treat cavities, gingivitis, or other issues, we are here to help. A decayed tooth can be restored with a filling and gingivitis can be managed with deep cleanings. Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, offer ultrasonic scaling treatments to make managing gingivitis or more progressive stages of gum disease easier. In today’s blog, we will be discussing who could benefit from this treatment.

Read more: Do You Need Ultrasonic Scaling?

The Symptoms Of Gum Disease

There is a reason your dentist tells you to floss. Brushing alone does not remove all the food particles and bacteria from your mouth. Flossing can help get these from hard-to-reach areas in between your teeth. If you have poor oral hygiene, you may begin to notice that your gums have become inflamed, tender, or bleed when you try to floss. These are often signs that you are in the early stage of gum disease, known as gingivitis. If caught early, this can be treated, and your symptoms can be reduced.

Ultrasonic Scaling Provides An Efficient Deep Clean

In order to treat periodontal disease, deep cleaning therapies will be necessary. These help remove bacteria from below the gumline, which cannot be done with a standard cleaning. Some dentists choose to do this through scaling and root planing. While this method is effective, the process can be long and may cause slight discomfort. Ultrasonic scaling is an efficient and precise way to remove plaque buildup from below your gumline and help reattach the tissue to the root of the tooth. Your dentist will determine how many sessions will be necessary for you depending on the stage of infection you are in.

Keep Your Smile Healthy With Prevention

Although gingivitis can be treated, it is best to prevent the problem as this infection can hurt your health. Patients with periodontal disease are found to be at a higher risk of heart problems, such as stroke and disease. Good preventive measures you can take include brushing and flossing at least twice a day and visiting your dentist biannually. Your at-home oral hygiene can help keep harmful bacteria away, as well as prevent cavities. Regular checkups allow your dentist to continually monitor your smile and detect problems earlier. If it has been a while since your last visit, do not put this off any longer. Some dental problems may develop without showing symptoms for some time. Your lifestyle choices can also increase your risk factor of developing gum disease. To reduce your risk, it is recommended to avoid smoking or using tobacco and have a balanced diet.

Talk To Your Dentist Today

To schedule a checkup or other treatment with Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, call us at (913) 901-8585.