Helping Restore Your Missing Teeth

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When you are missing one or more of your teeth, it can greatly impact your ability to enjoy a normal life. While the effect on your smile’s appearance can be quite often, you quickly learn how losing a tooth impacts everyday activities. You can find yourself avoiding some of your favorite foods to protect your open sockets. Because we rely upon our teeth to articulate speech, certain words may sound different than before. This can cause embarrassment as it calls attention to your oral health problem. As your remaining teeth shift to compensate for your loss, your dental misalignment can lead to a variety of additional complications. But by seeking treatment, you can return a set of teeth and prevent these problems from becoming permanent.

At your Prairie Village, KS dental practice, we can evaluate your smile to create a treatment plan for your missing teeth. By placing a dental implant, we can restore your bite and bring your teeth back into proper alignment. This can help prevent decay, disease, and discoloration from taking hold while returning your smile!

When You Lose One Of Your Teeth

Losing a tooth can result from physical trauma, advanced decay, or the destruction of your gums by disease. By treating your missing tooth, you can help prevent additional losses and restore the health of your mouth. If gum disease is the root issue, periodontal maintenance can help you get control over your gum health and protect your remaining teeth. When you fail to visit your dentist regularly, tooth decay can progress so far that we cannot repair your tooth with a filling or dental crown. We also sometimes extract a tooth whenever root canal therapy fails to help treat a dental infection.

Receiving A Dental Implant

We can restore your smile by placing a dental prosthetic with an implant post. By inserting your post directly into your jawbone, your oral tissues fuse directly together to form a replacement for your tooth’s root. After healing from your surgery, an abutment at the end of the post allows for a prosthetic above your gum line. We could attach a dental crown to replace a single missing tooth. Simply take care of your new restoration by brushing and flossing as before. At follow-up appointments, we will inspect its status in your mouth to see that your restoration supports your smile!

Speak With Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Restoring Your Missing Tooth!

While losing a tooth is unfortunate, we could provide a replacement to help restore your smile. If you would like to learn more information about dental implants or any other service we provide, please contact your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office today at (913)901-8585 or schedule an appointment.