Cosmetic Treatments For Your Teeth

Woman smiling in black sweaterHave you been thinking about ways to improve the look of your teeth? If so, cosmetic treatments can enhance your smile to help complement its natural beauty. You will find desirable results are available in a few easy visits to your dentist’s office. Unfortunately, when you have problems with the appearance of your smile, others may begin to take notice. This means that cosmetic treatment can remove unwanted distractions and allow your personality to shine through in your social interactions.

At your Prairie Village, KS dental practice, we understand how important a beautiful smile can be to your overall happiness with your appearance. This is why we offer cosmetic treatments to treat blemishes and improve the quality of your look! When you visit us for treatment, we can evaluate the extent of your concerns and help decide which service best fits your condition. Solutions such as teeth whitening and porcelain veneers can provide satisfying results that you are happy to show off!

Cosmetic Treatments Provide Quality Results For Your Smile

When your teeth begin to wear down, crack, chip, or become blemished from stains or a yellow hue, a cosmetic treatment can focus on improving your smile’s appearance. This means revealing the beauty within your natural look rather than replacing it completely. You may be surprised at how effective a conservative treatment can be when bringing out the best in your smile. By visiting our office, we can discuss the state of your smile and determine which solutions best help your condition. You can receive remarkable improvement at your follow-up appointments.

Professional Teeth Whitening Service

If your teeth are not as bright as they once appeared, we offer a professional teeth-whitening treatment to return the white look you desire. This service addresses discoloration within the enamel itself. By applying a bleaching gel, we gently lift stains to reveal the enamel’s original appearance. Taking into account your scheduling concerns, we offer both in-office treatments as well as a take-home kit to whiten your teeth at your desired time.

Porcelain Veneers

If you have multiple problems with the look of your teeth, porcelain veneers are a versatile option for correcting their look. Because they fit over the front of your teeth, veneers can cover chips and return height to worn-down teeth. Modern ceramics allow us to select the shade of your veneer to return the color you desire when designing your treatment. This solution is preferred when your discoloration is due to the loss of your enamel itself.

Speak With Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Improving Your Smile

Cosmetic treatments can help you enhance your appearance and remove imperfections from your smile. You can regain pride in teeth that you will be eager to show off! If you would like to find out more about these services and their benefits, contact our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office today at 913-901-8585.