When losing a tooth causes feelings of embarrassment, the placement of a dental bridge can cover the gap in your smile. This lifelike prosthetic offers important functional benefits to your bite while returning the attractive look of your full smile. At your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can plan the design and placement of various restorations for your lost tooth. When selecting a dental bridge, we can attach the appliance between neighboring teeth to secure its position in your grin. To enjoy its benefits for your oral health and appearance, feel free to explore this solution!
The Oral Health Impact Of Tooth Loss
While losing a tooth can happen for several reasons, the impact on your oral health can be severe regardless of cause. The gap in your smile can cause surrounding teeth to shift out of position and misalign your bite. This misalignment can cause uneven wear and tear on teeth that take disproportionate force from your bite. As your enamel wears down, your teeth become susceptible to decay and may prematurely appear yellow. To prevent decay from potentiating further loss, a dental bridge can help return the alignment of your bite.
Designing And Placing Your Dental Bridge
To create your new prosthesis, we will take detailed images of your gap and surrounding teeth. Because your dental bridge will attach to teeth on either side, this image also helps us design dental crowns for each neighbor. To address your esthetic goals, we create your restorations from materials that allow us to match the shade of your natural teeth. When bonded in place, the bridge completes your smile and returns your ability to bite. You will prevent the shifting of remaining teeth as the appliance stays secure within the gapped area. At future visits for routine teeth cleaning and examination, we will check the status of your restoration and its support of your healthy smile.
Alternative Options For Addressing Tooth Loss
Another treatment service for your lost tooth involves the placement of a dental implant. By inserting a titanium post directly into your jawbone, we allow for the placement of a permanent restoration above your gumline. For individual tooth loss, we can place a dental crown on your implant post. To address significant loss of multiple teeth, we can use posts to support the placement of dentures. Consultation with your dentist can help decide which option for addressing tooth loss is best for you!
Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Treating Your Lost Tooth
With restorations such as a custom dental bridge, we can give you back your full smile and restore your ability to comfortably bite after experiencing tooth loss. If you would like to learn more about this restorative treatment option, or other services that we can offer, please call your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.