Address Enamel Damage Through Tooth Bonding And Contouring

Dental damage can occur when you are injured, or it can occur gradually due to wear and tear or issues with bruxism. If the condition of your smile has been affected by any problem that leaves your enamel chipped, cracked, or generally worn and misshapen, cosmetic dental work can help. Through a tooth bonding and contouring procedure, your smile can be restored without the need to cover a tooth with a custom restoration. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide this service to make teeth appear brighter, healthier, and more uniform. Because there is no need to craft and place a restoration, this work can be completed in as little as one appointment!

Are You Embarrassed By Damage To Your Tooth?

If you have a chipped or cracked tooth that people can see when you smile or speak, you can struggle with negative feelings about your appearance. Fortunately, it is often possible to restore the appearance of teeth with relatively mild injuries with a conservative cosmetic dental procedure. Once this work is completed, you can smile with restored confidence. You can also be comfortable knowing that your tooth will remain in good condition even when you use it to bite and chew food. We should note that in addition to helping with unexpected injuries, your smile can be restored through cosmetic treatment if general wear and tear over time has changed your appearance.

Undergoing Tooth Bonding And Contouring

A tooth bonding and contouring procedure carefully correct problems with the shape or size of a tooth, and when necessary can even change its color. The contouring process helps when a tooth has taken on a jagged look, if it appears uneven, or if it is too large. The bonding procedure relies on a resin substance that can be applied directly to your enamel. When this material hardens, it can be permanently fixed in place. The treatment can cover any chipping or cracking that have affected your smile, add size to a small tooth, or even cover up one that looks discolored.

Other Services That Can Address Dental Damage

Porcelain veneers are also capable of restoring the appearance of damaged or worn teeth. This approach to cosmetic care requires more preparatory work, as space needs to be created for your veneers. With that said, the restorations that are used to make positive changes that can last for many years, as they are made from a strong porcelain substance. When damage is serious enough to affect a tooth’s health, we can recommend capping it with a dental crown to improve its bite support while also restoring the way it looks.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist’s Office About Tooth Bonding And Contouring

Through the right cosmetic treatment, Dr. Browne can renew your confidence in your smile if you have problems with a dental injury, or with general wear and tear. To find out more, please contact our Prairie Village, KS dental office today at 913-901-8585.