Different Issues We Can Address Through Dental Bonding

Will a dental bonding and contouring procedure fix the problem – or problems – that you have with your appearance? Because these services only make conservative changes to a tooth’s structure, you may worry that you will not see the results you want from treatment. What you should know is that these treatments have helped many people who were bothered by dental damage, discoloration, problems with the shape and size of teeth, and even issues with spacing! Through minimal changes to your tooth structure, we can reshape, resize, and even improve the color of a tooth so that it positively contributes to the quality of your smile!

Conservative Changes To A Tooth Can Produce Big Smile Improvements

You may assume that considerable time and effort has to go into the restoration of a tooth that looks unattractive. In reality, we may be able to fix its shape, size, and color with a cosmetic dental treatment that makes small corrections. Unlike work involving the placement of porcelain veneers or dental crowns, a bonding and contouring procedure can give you positive changes without putting a permanent restoration on a tooth.

How Bonding And Contouring Work Improves A Tooth’s Appearance

The contouring process is one that sees your dentist carefully reshape a tooth to correct for flaws like chips, even out a jagged tooth, or even bring a larger tooth down to size. This work can carefully change your overall appearance while only removing minimal amounts of excess enamel. The bonding process relies on the same composite resin material that we use to place lifelike dental fillings. When applied to the surface of a tooth, we can use this substance to cover damage, improve the color of a tooth, or even make it appear larger! This work is sometimes recommended when individuals want to close a gap between two teeth.

Reviewing All Of Your Cosmetic Treatment Options

During a discussion with your dentist, you can learn about the different cosmetic dental procedures that we offer. Those procedures include bonding and contouring treatments, but we also offer work with porcelain veneers. Veneers require more preparatory work, but these thin shells are more durable than the material used during dental bonding. We can also help you if you want to deal with more serious alignment problems by offering work with Orthodontic Clear Aligners Clear Aligners to discreetly straighten teeth.

Talk To Dr. Browne About Dental Bonding And Contouring!

If you are currently unhappy with your smile, talk to Dr. Browne about your options for cosmetic dental treatment! The right procedure can produce significant improvements while limiting the actual changes to your tooth structure. To find out more about our cosmetic services, or to discuss preventive or restorative treatments, contact our Prairie Village, KS dental office today at 913-901-8585.