Learn The Benefits Of Cosmetic Work With Porcelain Veneers

Have you put off a consultation for cosmetic dental treatment because you worry that treatment will not provide the results you want? Some patients feel that even if their dentist could address all of their smile flaws, the process of making all of those changes could be time-consuming and difficult. What you should know is that many people see remarkable changes to their appearance thanks to just one cosmetic procedure. Through the placement of porcelain veneers, our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can address problems with the shape, size, color, and even alignment of your teeth! Through this one treatment, you can enjoy a smile makeover in less time, and with fewer visits, than you think possible!

Veneers Can Help With Several Common Cosmetic Concerns

Individuals who seek out cosmetic treatment can have different concerns. Sometimes, a person’s goal will be to make their teeth whiter. Others will come in with hopes that worn, chipped, or otherwise damaged teeth can be repaired. So what happens when a person wants to make several changes to the way they look? Will each improvement call for its own procedure, or will it be possible to address several issues in one appointment? Through the placement of porcelain veneers, it is often possible to dramatically transform a person’s smile with just one procedure.

What Does The Placement Of Veneers Involve?

Porcelain veneers require a small amount of preparatory work to ensure that your cosmetic procedure is a success. A small amount of enamel from the front of any tooth being restored will be removed to make space for veneers. This work is done during an appointment where your dentist will also closely measure teeth to create restorations that are the right shape and size to fit teeth. Once these restorations are made, we can bond them to the fronts of your teeth – this process will make sure that your veneers are permanently set in position to hide problems with discoloration, poor spacing, damage, and other flaws.

Discussing Other Cosmetic Procedures With Your Dentist

While veneers are effective in many situations, your dentist can walk you through other treatment options that are available to you. We can deal with discoloration directly through a professional whitening treatment. This leads to you showing off a brighter smile without any permanent changes to your enamel. If your goal is to fix poor smile alignment, we can discuss treatment with Orthodontic Clear Aligners Clear Aligners, which focus on the movement of front teeth to produce orthodontic improvements in less time than other treatment options.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Porcelain Veneers!

Dr. Browne has helped many patients change their smile with the placement of porcelain veneers. To find out if this cosmetic procedure might be right for you, contact our Prairie Village, KS dental office today at 913-901-8585.