Is It Time To Change Your Brushing And Flossing Routine?

How confident are you in your current brushing and flossing routine? Have your daily practices kept you safe against oral health problems, or have you had recent issues that required restorative dental work? At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can do more than just help patients protect their teeth during preventive dental exams. If you have struggled with dental decay or gum disease, or if you have worrying tartar buildup that your hygienist has to address, we can offer guidance on improved daily habits. By taking better care of your teeth between appointments, we can help you avoid further trouble with your dental health and keep your smile in good condition!

Brushing And Flossing Are Both Important For Cavity Prevention

Remember that you should be brushing and flossing on a daily basis if you want to keep your smile safe from the various threats posed by oral bacteria. Brushing is important, but it will be difficult for you to fully clean your teeth if you are not flossing in order to clear out bacteria and food debris between your teeth. When these areas are not being cleaned regularly, tartar is more likely to gather, and that will lead to further troubles with gum disease and tooth decay.

Avoid These Mistakes To Ensure Your Brushing Habits Are Effective

Your brushing routine may be less effective than you realize. After receiving a dental filling or dental crown at your dentist’s office, you may need to look for mistakes that are making your smile vulnerable to harm. One thing to worry about is the condition of your brush itself. If you are not replacing your toothbrush every three months, or when it begins to look worn down, it can grow less effective at removing harmful particles. You should also make sure that the toothpaste you use has ADA approval. Another common issue is rushed brushing. Give yourself at least two minutes to make sure that you are completely cleaning your smile and not missing areas that are more difficult to reach.

Are You Guilty Of These Flossing Mistakes?

Aside from not flossing often enough, people sometimes leave the spaces between their teeth vulnerable by practicing poor flossing habits. Make sure that when you floss, you completely clean the spaces between your teeth by moving the string vertically. Moving it up and down will help make sure that your gum line is not vulnerable to infection!

Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Can Help You Avoid Oral Health Trouble

By picking up better daily oral hygiene habits, you are less likely to experience problems with tooth decay and gum disease. To find out how Dr. Browne can help you form and maintain good practices, please contact our Prairie Village, KS dental office today at 913-901-8585.