3 Mistakes That Can Negatively Affect Your Oral Health

It can be easy to fall into a consistent habit when it comes to your oral hygiene routine. Unfortunately, some people unknowingly allow certain bad habits to form when it comes to dental care, which can increase their risk for problems with cavities and gum disease. If you have recently undergone restorative dental work, or if you are experiencing more plaque and tartar buildup between regular dental checkups, it may be time to reconsider your approach to daily dental care. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can offer insights on your daily habits in addition to providing important preventive services during your checkup.

1. Make Sure You Replace Your Toothbrush At The Right Time!

Over time, the bristles of a toothbrush can become gradually worn down, making them less effective at cleaning your teeth. People who keep the same brush for too long can see less benefit from brushing over time, never realizing that they are enjoying less thorough care for their smile. You should make a habit out of replacing a toothbrush every three months. If your brush bristles start to look worn or frayed before the three month mark, replace the toothbrush early.

2. Floss Every Day, Not Just To Remove Food Stuck Between Teeth

Flossing is an important line of defense for your smile, one that can help you avoid cavities as well as problems with gum disease. In order to keep the spaces between your teeth safe, you should make this part of your daily oral care routine. If you are only flossing at times when you feel something stuck between your teeth, you can allow bacteria to gather in those spaces between sessions, which raises your risk for problems.

3. Don’t Let A Lack Of Obvious Problems Convince You That You Don’t Need A Dental Checkup

Sure, dental checkups are not a daily habit, but it is important to be consistent with them if you want to avoid the need for dental fillings and dental crowns. One mistake people make is assuming that they have no problems with their oral health because they have no obvious signs of problems. You should know that a cavity can actually form and start to grow even before you feel discomfort. When this problem is caught in its early stages, the harm ultimately done to your enamel can be limited.

Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Can Help You Maintain Your Oral Health

At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, patients can count on dedicated preventive dental care when they attend routine exams. Dr. Browne can provide important feedback about your smile, offer advice on improving your oral care routine, and treatment if a problem is identified over the course of your checkup. To find out more, or to schedule your appointment, call our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office today at 913-901-8585.