How Dental Implants Can Be Used To Restore Your Full Smile

A dental prosthetic that is custom-made for you can restore the appearance of your smile, and help with your dental function. What you might not realize is that restorations only replace part of the tooth that was lost. Dental bridges and dentures are designed to take the space of the crown of a tooth, meaning the portion visible above your gum line. To address the loss of a tooth’s root, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can talk to you about receiving a dental implant to hold your restoration in place. Dental implants can make a person’s experience with prosthetic dental work better because they can take on responsibilities managed by the roots of teeth. They offer extra support and stability, while also protecting your jawbone.

Dental Implants Offer Great Stability For Your Restoration

Because dental implants provide the kind of support that roots offer to natural teeth, you can enjoy a surprising degree of comfort from your prosthetic work when a crown is utilized. The implant keeps your restoration firmly held to your jawbone, and can also provide stability for the roots of neighboring teeth. You can find that with this additional support for your prosthetic, you can bite, chew, and speak more comfortably.

Can My Prosthetic Look Like A Natural Part Of My Smile?

The custom prosthetic tooth designed to replace the one you lost can look remarkably lifelike, so you will not have to worry about the way you look after your restorative dental work is complete! The goal during any effort to address your dental problems is to give you confidence in your appearance, and dental function. With modern prosthetic appliances held by dental implants, you can feel as though your natural smile has been returned!

Delaying Treatment For Tooth Loss Can Create Problems For You

When you take care of tooth loss, you can start enjoying many benefits. However, if you keep ignoring the problem, and do nothing to restore your smile, you can become frustrated by how much this can interfere with your life. Your biting and chewing motions can be more difficult when you have even one tooth missing. As you continue to try and live with your incomplete smile, you can start to lose mass in your jawbone, which can lead to complications that affect the process of restoring your smile with dental implants.

Talk To Dr. Browne About Restoring Your Full Smile

Are you ready to start showing off your complete smile again? Talk to Dr. Browne at our Prairie Village, KS dental practice about prosthetic work involving dental implants! Dental implant-held restorations are effective for improving your bite, your appearance, and your quality of life. To learn more, or to schedule your appointment with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.