Relying On Dental Implants To Hold Your Prosthetic

How much improvement can you enjoy when you address tooth loss? An attractive prosthetic can certainly make your smile look better, but will this restorative dental work help your dental function? Can your dentist’s efforts lead to oral health benefits? If you want to enjoy meaningful support from your dental prosthetic, talk to your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office about dental implants. With implant support, your restoration can feel more secure, and be more supportive when you bite and chew food. You can also count on an implant to help you prevent jawbone resorption, which can have a negative impact on your appearance and oral health. With the approach, dental implants can help patients with isolated tooth loss, and those who need to address more significant losses!

Implants Can Hold A Single Prosthetic Tooth, Or A Full Denture!

While some patients will seek out prosthetic support when they lose a single tooth, others may wait until they have experienced the loss of several teeth. A single tooth implant can ensure that your restoration stays in place, and it can help to limit movement from neighboring teeth roots, so your surrounding teeth have more support. Implants can also be put in place to hold a bridge, or even a full denture!

Enjoying The Benefits Of Having Your Complete Smile Back

Your biting and chewing functions work best when all of your teeth are present, and healthy. A single lost tooth can create functional concerns that tax your jaw joints, and cause your remaining teeth to accumulate excess wear and tear. When you lose more teeth, you can face more problems, and more functional limitations. Dental implants allow you to feel comfortable with a complete smile once again. They can also help you sustain your oral health, as they provide important stimulation that can help you avoid a loss of bone density in your jaw.

Dr. Browne Can Talk To You About Implant-Supported Prosthetic Work

You can look forward to important oral health and cosmetic benefits when you do something about tooth loss. If you want to find out how implant-supported prosthetic work can help you, set an appointment with Robert M Browne, DDS to discuss the kind of care available to you! To learn more, or to arrange a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.