What Happens When You Ignore A Dental Emergency?

You might suddenly find yourself in need of emergency dental care. However, one little part of your brain might chime in with an idea that you never expected as you prepare to contact our practice: “Maybe you should just ignore it!” this part of your brain suggests. Of course, it’s always an option to stay home and pretend like nothing happened. However, we certainly advise against it!

You Can End Up With A True Emergency

What’s some serious pain due to an infection you don’t realize you have can turn into something that lands you in the emergency room. When you treat a problem with emergency dental care, you stop whatever is going on from becoming very severe. If the issue happens to be an infection, then you’re saving your tooth, you’re preventing an abscess, and you might even prevent the rupturing of that abscess, which can threaten your life!

You’ll Pay More Later

You might immediately freeze up a bit at the thought of addressing your problem because the second you think about emergency dental care, you start worrying about costs. The truth is, if you ignore your need for pressing care, you’re probably going to be looking at a much larger price tag down the line as we make plans to fix something that has now become much worse and that may have affected nearby teeth or other tissues. Come in the second you need us, so we may provide you with care right away to set things right again.

Snap Into Action With Your Dental Emergency

Come in to see us right away when an emergency affects your smile, so you can ensure your oral health gets right back on track. Learn more by scheduling a visit in Prairie Village, KS by calling Robert M Browne, DDS at (913) 901-8585.