John Mayer Concert

Have you long been a John Mayer fan? Perhaps you’ve recently gotten more into his music since his pop music sabbatical. Whatever the case, you’ll be thrilled to learn that he’s performing a concert near you with his John Mayer The Search For Everything tour.

About the Event

Grab your tickets for the John Mayer The Search For Everything tour before it’s too late! You’ll have the chance to enjoy his music through acoustic solo songs, with a full band, and as part of a trio!

Event Location

This event is going to take place at Sprint Center, which is located at the following address:

1407 Grand Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64106

Event Date And Time

Head out for the concert of a lifetime on April 14th, 2017 at 7:30pm.

Event Admission

Tickets to this concert range from $35.75 to $95.75 per person.

Contact Information

Looking for some more information about this upcoming event? Feel free to call 816-949-7100 for additional details.

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