Dentures Provide A Whole New Smile

In our last blog, we discussed how dental bridges can take on minor tooth loss. But what if you have lost most or all of your teeth? In these situations, you may need a set of dentures. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about our custom full and partial dentures.

The Causes and Impacts of Tooth Loss

How do we lose natural teeth in the first place? For some, this could be due to advanced tooth decay or infection that doesn’t receive treatment. For others, injury could be responsible. The most common cause is actually periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. When we lose several teeth, this could limit our meal options and deprive us of essential nutrients. We could have trouble speaking clearly, which impacts our social interactions. Embarrassment could also be an issue that impacts overall quality of life. You could also develop an older appearance, as the body stops sending doses of calcium and phosphorus to the areas without tooth roots, causing a breakdown in the jaw structure. But we can restore health, function, and beauty to your smile with prosthetics!

Partial Prosthetics

A partial addresses complicated cases of tooth loss, in which you have several gaps across the smile, but still have enough teeth that a full denture isn’t necessary. The prosthetic will contain new teeth that fit in between these gaps, but are inserted into a base that looks like gum tissues. Metal clasps will connect to nearby natural teeth to secure the new ones firmly in place. These tend to last about 5 to 10 years, requiring replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape.

Full Dentures

If you are missing most or all of your teeth, then we could extract the last few and pave the way for a full set of dentures, which provides a complete row of new teeth for one or both arches. These will be held in place with suction or adhesives, and again need replacement every few years.

Dental Implants

Our team could also secure your new teeth with dental implants! These are inserted into the jaw and act like new roots, which prevents the jaw ridge from gradually breaking down, so when we attach your dentures, your new teeth can stay in place for decades to come, possibly a lifetime in some cases! If you have any questions about our removable or implant-supported prosthetics, then contact our team today to learn more.


We want to help you smile with confidence again with our custom dentures. To find out more about treating tooth loss and keeping smiles whole, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.