When To See Us For Urgent Care Dentistry

prairie village urgent care dentistry

If you have a loose tooth, an injury to the teeth, or other serious dental emergency situations, you need to contact our team right away. With urgent care dentistry, we can provide treatment for sudden pain or injury. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about our approach to emergency dentistry.

The Common Examples

When should you see our team for urgent care dentistry? We recommend a visit when a tooth is chipped or cracked, or if one is knocked loose or out completely. Treatment could be necessary if an object is caught between the teeth that floss cannot remove, or due to sudden discomfort. Let us know if a restoration such s a crown or filling is damaged or lost, or if a dental prosthetic or orthodontics are damaged too. We want to see you right away so you avoid worsening discomfort or other complications.

Addressing Your Immediate Discomfort

First, give our team a call, even if this injury is happening outside or normal business hours. We will call you back with an appointment time so we can see you right away and offer solutions. In the meantime, you can take a few steps to help ease your initial discomfort and prevent further injuries. For example, of any bleeding is occurring you can control it with a bit of cloth or a piece of gauze. To avoid facial swelling, place a cold compress or ice pack on the side of your face. If a tooth is broken, see if you can recover any pieces to bring with you. If one if knocked out completely, pick it up only by the crown, not the root, and place it in a sealed container of milk or salt water. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Repairing Your Smile

When you arrive, our team will carefully examine your tooth with digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, so we can accurately assess the cause and extent of your emergency situation. From there, we can formulate a treatment plan to bring relief. For minor injuries, we could repair the tooth in one visit with bonding. Our team could also place a custom crown, and we of course can replace damaged or missing restorations or prosthetics. We can even discuss a custom mouthguard to help protect your smile in the future.

If you have any questions about urgent care dentistry, or if you want to schedule a visit, then contact our team.

Dental Emergency Care From Dr. Browne, D.D.S.

Urgent care dentistry can enable our team to take on serious issues that could threaten the health, function, and appearance of your smile. To find out more about emergency dentistry, then call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.