Why It Matters If You Replace A Tooth

Losing one or more permanent teeth as an adult is likely something most people do not want to experience if it can be avoided. Though you may take necessary steps to keep your smile healthy, accidents and emergencies can occur at any time, and sometimes it is necessary to part ways with a tooth. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS dentist discusses the complications that arise from missing structures and why it matters if you have a tooth replaced.

Functional Complications

For many, it is a long-term goal to maintain a youthful and complete smile. With proper preventive treatment – both at home and in office – this goal can be achieved, but it is important to recognize that there are several factors that can complicate your oral health overall. For instance, losing one or more permanent structures can cause more than just a noticeable gap in your grin and can cause functional complications to arise as well.

When even so much as a single tooth is absent, routine functions are impacted. An example might include speaking, as it may be difficult to pronounce certain letters or words. Another issue that may arise includes difficulty biting, chewing, and eating. Though a single absent structure may not initially appear to be an issue, over time, the situation will continue to worsen.

To address functional issues that arise from missing teeth, your dentist may recommend dental implants. These dental restorations consist of a biocompatible post that is surgically inserted into the jaw and a lifelike crown restoration that is fixed atop via abutment. To learn more about dental prostheses, give our team a call.

Reduction in Bone Density

In addition to the functional issues that arise from missing teeth, entire gaps in one’s smile can cause a reduction in jawbone density. Not only does this lead to bone erosion, but it complicates future implant treatment you may seek. After all, a dental implant post cannot properly fuse to the jaw if there is not enough healthy structure to support it. When treatment is sought in a timely manner, an implant can help stimulate the jawbone and keep it strong enough to avoid erosion, and our team is ready to help.

A Shift in Your Bite

Finally, failing to replace missing teeth can ultimately lead to a shift in your bite. If your smile was once aligned, it will no longer be, as structures shift to accommodate the missing one(s). This is because each tooth absorbs a certain amount of your bite’s pressure, and with even one missing, this alters the bite distribution. With the help of an implant restoration, you do not have to worry about your other structures shifting.

Schedule Your Implant Consultation

A dental implant can help address issues with function, appearance, and even bone structure. To schedule your next appointment with our office, contact Robert M Browne, DDS in Prairie Village, KS by calling (913) 901-8585 today.