Need Dental Care Now?

dental care now prairie village ks

Sometimes, there are dental situations that require a call to an emergency dentist. When this happens, you want to have the name and telephone number of a talented dentist in your phone, ready to go. If you do, then you know right where to go when you need advice on your next steps. When you need dental care now, make sure that you’ve done your homework before so that you have a quality dentist ready.

If you’ve cracked, broke, or fully dislodged one or more of your natural teeth, call Dr. Browne, D.D.S. in Prairie Village. He has the tools and training to help you move forward with a safe and beautiful smile, and he’d love to see you. At our office on the Kansas side, we work with people to renew their smile after damage, decay, and more, so we’re ready to help you find the restoration that you need to have the smile that you deserve.

Crack or break a tooth? It’s time to call Dr. Browne.

When You Crack Or Break A Tooth

It’s time to talk to your dentist about what has happened. Even though your enamel is the hardest material that your body creates, damage can occur as a result of injury or tooth decay. When this does happen, you need to speak to your provider quickly about finding your restoration solution, because waiting puts you at real risk of infection.

Your natural enamel typically provides a barrier that blocks bacterial growth within the tooth. If this protection is lost, these harmful microorganisms can make their way through the bulk of the tooth and into the soft tissue within known as pulp. At this point, you may start to experience pain or discomfort at the area. This sensation will most likely continue to become more severe until you speak with a trusted oral health professional about a root canal treatment procedure or an extraction.

Call Your Dentist To Find Out Your Next Steps

When you crack or break a tooth, your first move is to make sure that everyone is ok. If you have any questions about someone’s health, then it’s time to take them (or yourself) to the emergency room. Once you’ve determined that the only damage is dental, you’re ready to find dental care. Our team is ready to help, so call our line day or night, and we’ll walk you through your next steps.

Find Urgent Dental Care With Dr. Browne, D.D.S.

If you have cracked, broken, or fully dislodged one of your teeth, reach out to our office. We can help you to find dental care now. To find out more about your needs, call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.