Stopping Cavities With Lifelike Fillings

Cavities can lead to discomfort and without treatment, increase the risk of infection and even tooth loss. But our team can stop decay and erase discomfort with the placement of a filling. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist explains how we treat dental cavities with our lifelike and biocompatible dental fillings.

The Causes and Warning Signs of Tooth Decay

A cavity forms in the inner dentin, the sensitive structure that makes up most of your tooth. Usually, the outer enamel prevents this contact, but when the enamel is eroded, this could expose dentin to bacteria and allow cavities to form. The weakened enamel could be due to plaque buildup brought on by poor brushing and flossing habits, combined with a diet high in sugar. Other factors include injuries to the teeth and bruxism (teeth grinding). If you attend six-month checkups at our office, then we can catch cavities in the early stages. Otherwise, you may not know you need care until you experience tooth sensitivity and toothaches, at which point treatment is vital to avoid dental infection.

Composite Resin

While metal is an effective means of treating tooth decay, this could be unsafe for young children, pregnant women, and the elderly. But our composite resin is safe for all ages and patient types. There is no metal, instead the material blends acrylic-like and glass-like particles. The material bonds with the tooth and can absorb daily bite forces. In addition, we can shade it to blend with your smile and offer a more lifelike appearance. The same material can even be used in dental bonding procedures to mask common cosmetic imperfections in only one visit.

Placing Your New Filling

If you have a cavity, our team will start treatment by numbing the tooth, keeping you comfortable as we remove harmful oral bacteria and potentially etch the outer surface of the tooth. We then prepare the composite resin, color matching it to blend with your smile. We will apply this in several layers and then sculpt and mold the tooth as the material cures beneath a special light. The last step is to polish the tooth for a brighter appearance and to help limit the severity of plaque and tartar buildup before your next checkup and cleaning appointment.

If you have any questions about how we save your tooth and stop discomfort with a dental filling, or if you have an aching tooth that needs attention, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team wants to help you smile with confidence and enjoy relief from painful cavities. To find out more about restorative dental care, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.