Teeth Whitening Provides A Brighter Smile

When you have teeth stains, this could mean you feel uncomfortable with the appearance of your smile. Which is why our team provides a teeth whitening treatment to remove these unsightly stains. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about our take-home teeth whitening kit.

The Causes of Teeth Stains

What causes unsightly teeth stains to form on the surfaces of our smiles? For some, this could be due to poor oral hygiene, as a diet high in sugar and poor brushing and flossing habits could lead to plaque buildup and the appearance of discoloration. Consuming drinks with dark pigments, such as coffee, red wine, soda, and eta, could also make discoloration more apparent. Tobacco use is another factor, as are infrequent visits for dental cleanings. As part of your teeth whitening treatment experience, we will assess the cause of your teeth stains to better understand how to keep them bright following treatment.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Treatment

Our system can be used from the comfort of your own home. To begin, you will stop by the office so our team can take detailed digital images and measurements of your smile from multiple angles. We use these to design and craft a custom set of plastic trays, which fit comfortably over the teeth. We send these home with you, along with multiple plastic syringes of bleaching gel. Once at home, you fill the trays with the gel and wear them for a set amount of time, usually about an hour a day. You repeat this process for one week to ten days on average, and your teeth could be eight shades brighter! The trays are easy to use, store, and clean, and they ensure the results are even across your smile and that saliva doesn’t dilute anything. You can keep the trays and any leftover gel for touch-ups down the road.

Masking Permanent Discoloration

With our trays and gel, we can take on most surface stains to brighten the smile. But what about intrinsic teeth stains, the kind that form beneath the outer enamel? For these, we can offer treatments to mask them and instantly brighten the teeth. Our team can use bonding, in which we coat the teeth in composite resin, to mask permanent discoloration. Porcelain veneers, thin restorations we attach to the front of the teeth, can also be used to brighten the teeth. If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, or about teeth whitening in particular, then contact our team today.


Our team wants to help you enjoy a smile that truly shines! To find out more about our cosmetic dental treatments, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.