How An Ultrasonic Cleaning Fights Gum Disease

When you have major plaque and tartar buildup, this could lead to gingivitis and the early stages of gum disease. Without treatment, the disease could reach a stage linked to adult tooth loss. But we can help! In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist explains how an ultrasonic scaling keeps your gums healthy.

Plaque Buildup and Gum Disease

When we eat foods and consume drinks with a lot of sugar, this leaves behind particles of sugar that harmful oral bacteria can consume, which elevates oral acidity and creates plaque buildup, a sticky layer that inflames the gums to cause gingivitis and eventually, gum disease. Lack of professional cleanings could also allow severe plaque buildup to occur. When the disease occurs, you need treatment to manage it so periodontal disease doesn’t cause adult tooth loss. With a traditional option or a deep one, we can employ an ultrasonic cleaning device to help remove these layers completely, so you enjoy better oral health and a brighter smile in the process.

The Ultrasonic Process

For a traditional cleaning, we will use the ultrasonic device to remove all plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) from the surfaces of the teeth. We then polish the teeth to provide a brighter smile and limit the ability for plaque and tartar to adhere before your next appointment. If you have symptoms of gingivitis and periodontal disease, then we may suggest a deep option, in which we use the same tools to remove bacterial layers from the teeth and the roots as well, even destroying pockets of harmful oral bacteria beneath the gum lines too. With this option, the procedure could take one visit or as many as four, depending on the severity of your buildup! Since this is more involved, we may numb the area too.

Managing Periodontal Disease

Following a traditional cleaning, you may need another one every six months to control buildup and keep your gums and teeth healthy and strong. If you undergo a deep option, then you may need a traditional cleaning every three to four months to control buildup and inflammation, manage your disease and keep your smile whole and strong. You can also help from home by brushing your teeth for two minutes when you wake up and then again before going to bed, and flossing every evening too. These actions help safeguard your smile for years to come!

If you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a visit, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team is eager to help you and your family maintain strong and healthy smiles. To find out more about preventive treatment options, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.