Cosmetic Treatment For A Gummy Smile

When we offer cosmetic dentistry, we don’t just remove teeth stains and reshape teeth. Instead, we can also offer care that addresses concerns with the appearance of your gums. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist explains how we address gummy smiles with advanced gum contouring, in only one visit too!

Gummy Smiles and Periodontal Disease

When you display too much gum tissue when you smile, this is referred to as a gummy smile. This can alter the appearance of your smile and even lead to teeth looking short and uneven. With the contouring procedure, we can correct this so you have a more attractive smile in a shorter time frame, with results possible in only one visit! If you have sore, red, and bleeding gums, or if you notice tissues swelling or receding, this could mean the presence of gum disease. Without treatment to manage it, the disease can reach an advanced stage responsible for adult tooth loss. Again, we can help with advanced laser technology.

The Laser Contouring Procedure

With the laser contouring process, our team can correct gummy smiles. We start by gently marking the gums that need to be removed, and then using a dental laser to gently trim away the tissues. The laser has been specially calibrated for soft tissue concerns, and allows us to improve the symmetry of the gum line in the process, so you gain a more attractive smile. The procedure takes one visit and results are immediate. You just need to rest for the day and you can return to your normal routine after. The lasers target the gums with precision to keep the healthy tissues intact, and the process rarely requires any anesthesia either. The risk of swelling, bleeding, and infection is much lower too!

Managing Periodontal Disease

If you have a more advanced case of gum disease, then our team can trim away the diseased portions of the gums to that healthy gums can reattach to the teeth, reducing the depth of periodontal pockets and making it so the disease itself can be managed with cleanings and home maintenance moving forward. If you have any questions about how we treat cosmetic issues like gummy smiles with advanced laser technology, or how we combat the advanced stage of gum disease to keep your smile whole, then contact our team today to learn more.


We want to offer treatment to improve the health and beauty of your smile, so you can enjoy better oral health and smile with confidence. To find out more about how we improve smile beauty in one visit, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.