The Benefits Of Lumineers® For Smile Improvement

We’ve recently talked about how we improve the beauty of your smile with porcelain veneers. But did you know we have a thinner option, one that is less invasive? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about how we improve the overall beauty of your smile with our thin and lifelike Lumineers®.

The Cosmetic Benefits

Lumineers® are very thin shells of porcelain that we apply to the front facing side of a tooth. When these are in place, they instantly change the shape and color of the tooth, enabling us to address multiple cosmetic concerns all at once. For example, if you have permanent teeth stains that resist whitening treatments, we can simply make them. Our team can cover gaps and black triangle spaces between teeth, add length to worn down teeth, and address very minor damage to the tooth. For some, this offers a smile makeover in only two visits.

Traditional Veneers vs. Lumineers®

How do they differ from traditional porcelain veneers? The traditional option is not as thin, and we have to remove outer structure from the tooth to make room for them. But with Lumineers®, our team uses a thinner restoration, so we don’t have to remove structure from the tooth, leaving your smile intact. This means the placement process is less involved and shorter, so you have a reduced wait to see optimal results for your smile. Our team will walk you through the process and help decide if this is right for your smile. If so, we can custom-make the thin restorations from porcelain based on the detailed digital images and measurements we take of your teeth. When you return for a second visit, we will apply them to your teeth with a powerful bonding agent, the same we use to support crowns and bridges.

Keeping Your Smile Bright

Once your new thin restorations are in place, you can take action to keep them bright and also protect the tooth supporting them. Be sure you brush for two minutes in the morning and again at night, and floss every evening too. Try to drink plenty of water and cut back on beverages with dark pigments. Reducing your consumption of sugar is helpful too. These actions can help reduce the severity of plaque buildup until you can see us for a cleaning to remove the layers completely. These actions help your smile stay bright and healthy!

If you have any questions, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team wants to help you enjoy treatment that transforms your smile’s beauty. To find out more about our thin cosmetic restorations, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.