Securing New Teeth With Dental Implants

When you have missing teeth, this could lead to issues eating, speaking, and even maintaining your youthful features. But we can help by placing dental implants, which look and function like natural teeth. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about supporting a new smile with implant dentistry.

Tooth Loss

We could lose our natural teeth to a number of different concerns. For example, an advanced cavity or an infection could be a factor, as could a serious injury to the smile. The most common cause is actually gum disease. The periodontitis stage destroys the tissues connecting the teeth and gums, and can weaken underlying bone structure, which creates loose and missing teeth.

When we lose our teeth, this could increase the risk of issues eating and speaking as we mentioned above. But this can also lead to misalignment and even increase the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). The body will also suspend the flow of certain nutrients to the jaw, so it breaks down to cause further tooth loss and an aged appearance. But we can prevent these issues with implant dentistry.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are different from traditional bridges or dentures. Instead of relying on crowns, suction, or adhesives to stay in place, the dental implant portion is actually inserted into the jawbone. The post is made from biocompatible titanium and bonds with the jaw through a process known as osseointegration. This means you have a new root the body accepts as natural bone structure, preventing breakdown in the jaw and keeping your new tooth in place for decades to come, possibly a lifetime. Once the placement area heals, we will connect an abutment to the post that enables us to attach the crown, completing your new tooth. We will shade the crown to ensure it blends with your smile.

Fixed Prosthetics

Our team can also handle more severe cases of tooth loss. For example, we will use multiple dental implant posts to support a bridge or even a complete set of dentures, so you have a prosthetic that stays far longer than traditional or removable options. Your new teeth stay in place and don’t need to be removed either, so they function like natural teeth and never slip. If you have any questions about how we treat tooth loss with implant dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team is ready to help you smile with confidence again by addressing unsightly gaps using dental implants. To find out more about how our team replaces your missing teeth and restores your smile, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.