Treating An Infected Tooth With Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth becomes infected, this could cause major discomfort and lead to a higher risk of tooth loss. But we can stop an infection and offer relief with an endodontic treatment! In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about root canal therapy and how we keep smiles whole.

The Warning Signs of an Infection  

How do you know when a tooth is infected? A dental infection means that harmful oral bacteria have made contact with the inner pulp. The pulp controls the flow of blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. This contact is possible through an untreated cavity, or even as the result of an injury to the tooth, which exposes the sensitive inner structure to bacteria and allows a cavity to form and spread. A dental fracture could be a fast path to an infection as well. When you begin to experience persistent tooth sensitivity and toothaches, or pain when you bite down, let us know. Facial and jaw pain, headaches, and swelling near the tooth are also common symptoms, along with a discharge from the tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

When you begin to experience painful symptoms in your tooth, please reach out to us right away. Our team will conduct a detailed exam with digital x-rays, so we can identify the position and severity of the infected portion. We then plan treatment with detail! When we’re ready, we will open the tooth to remove the infected tissues from within. We clean the interior of the tooth and root canals, and then add a special restorative filling material. Finally, we cap the tooth with a dental crown, completing the process and stopping discomfort.

Ways to Prevent an Infected Tooth

Our team would also like to help you avoid the onset of issues like tooth decay and dental infection. For example, at home be sure you brush and floss daily with a fluoride toothpaste to remove stray food particles and reduce the risk of cavities. If you play spots, wear a mouthguard to limit the risk of damaged teeth. Be sure you see our team for a checkup and cleaning every six months, so we can catch these issues in their earliest stages and offer treatment before you develop painful symptoms or risk tooth loss.

If you have any questions about how we save an infected tooth with a root canal procedure, then contact our team today to learn more.


Root canal therapy can help stop infection and save your tooth. To find out more about how our team safeguards your smile, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.