When Tooth Extraction Saves Your Smile

With treatments like fillings, crowns, and root canals, our team uses restorative dentistry to preserve your teeth and keep them from going missing. But what if you have an issue that is too severe to be treated by these options? To save your smile from major complications, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist may need to conduct a tooth extraction.

The Reasons That Call for Tooth Extraction

When do you need to have a tooth removed? As we mentioned above, when one develops decay or infection beyond the ability to be treated with a filling or crown, then removal could prevent the spread of infection. Same if a tooth is severely damaged. We could also remove a tooth loosened by gum disease, or to make room for orthodontic treatment. Extraction could make room for dentures too. If you have wisdom teeth soon to erupt, we could remove them to prevent painful impactions and other serious complications.

Planning Your Tooth Removal

Our team will plan the procedure in detail. Taking digital x-rays, we can pinpoint the position of the tooth and the roots, so we can plan extraction and avoid contact with blood vessels, nerve tissues, and sinus cavities. We also want the procedure to be a positive and comfortable experience for you. Our team can administer a local anesthetic to the area where the removal is happening. If you have dental anxiety or special needs, we can also discuss sedation options to help you enter a deep state of calm, with little to no memory of the procedure at all.

The Extraction Process

When you are ready, we will gently loosen and extract the tooth with a pair of forceps. The procedure could take as little as 30 minutes in some cases. The sedation may take time to wear off, so have a friend or family member on hand to bring you home. We will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a complication-free healing period. Most people return to their normal routines after only 24 to 48 hours. Our team will also provide prescriptions for medications to help you stay comfortable as the area heals. We will remove any sutures in a follow-up visit.

If you have any questions about how we plan and implement a safe and gentle tooth extraction to protect your smile, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you enjoy your best possible smile!


We would like to help you avoid issues that could threaten your oral health. To find out more about how our team protects the health, stability, and beauty of your smile, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585.