How We Contour Your Gum Line

When you have a smile that shows too much gum, this could mean your teeth appear small or uneven. We can help correct these cosmetic imperfections in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about the laser gum contouring procedure we use to enhance smiles.

Addressing Your Gummy Smile

When you show off too much gum when you smile, this could make teeth appear squat and uneven. In addition to causing embarrassment when you smile, this could also increase the risk of issues like gingivitis, gum disease, and even bad breath. There could also be bumpy and uneven portions of your tissues. But our team can help with laser gum contouring. Our team will gently mark the gums that need to be removed or adjusted, and then we will use a dental laser to gently trim away the excess tissues, reshaping the gum line in the process. The procedure only takes one visit, and provides results that make you feel confident in your smile!

Complementary Cosmetic Treatments

After we address the issues with the appearance of your gums, we could also offer complementary cosmetic treatments. For example, we can whiten the teeth afterward to ensure your smile is bright and uniform. We could also address any concern with the shape of the teeth with dental bonding or even custom-made porcelain veneers.

Other Benefits of Dental Lasers

The technology can target areas with precision, preventing damage to healthy gums. They also reduce the risk of bleeding, swelling, and infection, and the procedure is very comfortable. In fact, you may not need dental anesthesia at all! In addition to improving the appearance of your gums, our team can use the technology to remove diseased tissues so we can manage your periodontal disease and keep your smile healthy and strong. Our team can also shrink cold and canker sores so they heal much faster, and even aid in removing decay or brightening smiles. Dental lasers can offer a host of benefits for the health, beauty, and function of your smile!

If you have any questions about how our team can improve the health and beauty of your smile with laser gum contouring, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with our team, then contact our office today. We want to help you obtain results that make you feel great!


Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health and an attractive smile too. To find out more about laser contouring procedure, you can call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, at 913-901-8585. Our team also offers multiple cosmetic treatments to address issues with the shape and color of your teeth, so you can smile with confidence.