Emergency Care Lowers Tooth Loss Risks

When nothing seems to be wrong with your smile, you can easily wait until your next scheduled oral health exam to see your dentist. When something is wrong, particularly when that “something” appears to make tooth loss a possibility, an appointment becomes a more urgent concern! At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, Dr. Browne and our team are prepared to help patients who need to see someone on short notice by providing emergency dental services. Timely care can lower the risk of a problem resulting in the loss of a tooth. In the event that saving one that is in a vulnerable state is not possible, we are prepared to provide prosthetic work that can restore your complete smile and preserve your bite function!

Will You Lose Your Injured Tooth?

Dental injuries can be painful, and it can be alarming to see what state your smile is in when one occurs. With that said, there are some issues that make tooth loss more likely than others. A broken tooth is vulnerable to complications like further damage and infection, both of which do make you vulnerable to losing the tooth. If it is already dislodged or feels loose in the socket, you can have less time to react before it cannot be saved. In any situation where you have concerns over your appearance or health, or when discomfort is a significant issue, we can bring you in for urgent care. In doing so, we can provide timely restorative treatments that protect you by resolving active health threats and keeping teeth safe with durable restorations.

We Can Restore Your Full Smile Even If Your Tooth Cannot Be Saved

In the event that a tooth is badly hurt or out of socket for too long, it can become necessary to plan prosthetic dental work. Fortunately, a dental bridge or dental implant-held restoration can ensure that your smile maintains its attractive appearance. These restorations are also stable enough to let you bite, chew, and speak without difficulty!

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Emergency Care

Emergency dentistry provides timely relief from discomfort, a faster restoration of your smile, and a lower risk for losing a tooth that is in a vulnerable state. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to act quickly when patients reach out about problems with a tooth that is broken, loosened, or already out of socket. With the right care, we can see to it that your smile is preserved and your dental function does not change, even if a tooth cannot be saved. If you would like to find out more about the different forms of care that we provide, reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.