Can Bonding Treatment Improve Your Smile?

As long as you have some dissatisfaction with the appearance of your teeth, it can be tough for you to feel or project confidence. Living with problems like misshapen or damaged teeth, poor spacing, discoloration, or other flaws can be less than ideal. Fortunately, the right changes may be easier to make than you realize. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is here to help you understand your options for cosmetic dental work, which can make proceeding with treatment easier. One procedure you can look into is dental bonding and contouring work, an approach that can have results ready in as little as one appointment while only requiring minimal changes to tooth structure.

How Do You Currently Feel About Your Smile?

Do you have doubts about your smile? Those negative feelings can interfere with your overall comfort with the way you look, and it can even make you reluctant to show off your smile. Fortunately, the right cosmetic procedure can take on the issues that you have while only requiring minimal changes to your tooth structure. As we talk to you about your options, we can provide recommendations based both on what you would like to change about your smile and your concerns about what treatment may involve.

Arranging Dental Bonding And Contouring Services

Through dental bonding and contouring work, we can make changes to tooth shape, size, and color that have made you unhappy with your appearance. Different problems can be addressed in as little as one appointment, as these procedures remove the need to place permanent restorations to make lasting changes. The contouring process reduces the size of teeth that appear to be too large, or those that look jagged or uneven. The bonding process is able to correct concerns about tooth shape, color, and size with a resin substance that adheres to enamel.

We Can Help You Understand Your Different Options For Cosmetic Work

Because you do have several options for cosmetic dental work, you can feel comfortable with the treatment approach that you ultimately choose. Those options include work with porcelain veneers, slender restorations that are affixed to the front surfaces of teeth. To correct issues with poor teeth spacing, we can make adjustments with a discreet set of Orthodontic Clear Aligners that are designed for your individual needs.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Dental Bonding Treatment

Dental bonding and contouring treatment can have exciting benefits for your smile. These procedures can fit many different improvements into as little as one appointment while changing the shape, size, and color of teeth that look unattractive. If you would like to find out more about this or another service, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.