You Can Show Off A Dazzling Smile After Receiving Veneers!

The space between your current smile and the smile you long to share with the world may be smaller than you think! For many people, a single cosmetic dental procedure can deliver remarkable changes. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can recommend porcelain veneers for your treatment, as they can improve your appearance by changing the color of your teeth, hiding damages, and even improving your smile alignment! With porcelain veneers, we can make conservative changes that address many different smile flaws, which can be ideal for those interested in a full smile makeover. If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry but unsure if veneers are right for you, we can review the benefits of other procedures that we provide.

How Can Veneers Change The Way You Look?

Veneers cover the front surfaces of teeth and hide different problems like discoloration, enamel damage, and even problems with the shape or size of teeth that look out of place in your smile. While they only cover a portion of your enamel, they are able to fully cover areas that contribute to the attractiveness of your smile. That full coverage makes them effective at making many changes at once, which means you can enjoy a smile makeover after just one procedure.

Receiving Custom Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are carefully customized to provide the right coverage and smile improvements. Their placement typically occurs over the course of two appointments. At your first visit, your dentist will take measurements of your teeth and do preparatory work on your enamel. That preparatory work ensures that your veneers will fit properly and look natural. At your follow-up appointment, we will confirm that your custom veneers are the right shape and size, and then move forward with bonding them to your enamel. At the end of your second visit, you can be excited to see how your smile has improved!

What Are Your Other Cosmetic Treatment Options?

There are other cosmetic services available to our patients. If you are only concerned with changing the color of your smile, we can recommend professional teeth whitening treatment to fight accumulated stains. For an alternative treatment that can change the shape and size of teeth, we can discuss tooth bonding and contouring work. While veneers are a more durable cosmetic solution, bonding and contouring treatment can require fewer changes to your tooth structure and less time to complete.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Porcelain Veneers!

Dr. Browne is ready to meet with you and discuss the role that porcelain veneers can play in helping you reach your smile improvement goals! If you have questions about this or any other procedure, please contact our Prairie Village, KS dental office today at 913-901-8585.