Is Anxiety Keeping You From Scheduling Dental Work?

When individuals suffer from dental anxiety, they can have a difficult time committing to their oral health needs. For some, their anxieties are strong enough to keep them from scheduling any routine dental exams, and can even keep them away despite struggling with worrying tooth pain. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is sensitive to the needs of those who grapple with dental anxiety. We strive to make our office a welcoming and friendly place for all of our patients. For those who need help staying calm during a dental visit – and for those who are concerned about discomfort during a longer or more involved restorative dental procedure – we can offer dental sedation. Dental sedation can provide better patient comfort throughout a visit!

Dental Anxiety Can Be A Difficult Problem To Manage

Dental anxiety is a real and serious concern, one that should not be taken lightly. People who struggle with it may have a difficult time scheduling routine services, and they may even try to ignore their discomfort just to prolong an appointment. Unfortunately, this makes them more susceptible to the kinds of oral health issues that require more advanced treatments! When you start scheduling regular dental checkups again, you can be better protected against cavities and gum disease. By reaching out to your dentist when you think something is wrong, you can avoid the kinds of complications that can lead to more involved services.

What Can Happen If You Let A Problem Go Untreated?

A toothache that will not go away could be the result of a cavity that has infected your tooth. If that cavity keeps spreading, the tooth can eventually be lost without root canal therapy. This is a problem that can be avoided when you schedule checkups, as your dentist can actually identify trouble with decay before you experience pain or sensitivity issues.

Using Sedation To Help You Relax In The Dentist’s Chair

For those who need help feeling calm in the dentist’s chair, or those who need to undergo a longer or more involved procedure, we can recommend dental sedation. Sedation helps you feel at ease while you are treated while remaining conscious. With nitrous oxide, we can help you stay comfortable and calm without experiencing lingering issues that might affect your ability to leave treatment on your own.

Discuss Your Issues With Dental Anxiety With Dr. Browne!

Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to help individuals who struggle with dental anxiety and dental fear. Dr. Browne can work with you to make your time in our practice as comfortable as possible, even when you have to go in for a restorative procedure. To find out more, please call our dental practice in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585.