Three Ways Implants Can Restore Your Grin

Close up side portrait of beautiful confident woman laughing in natureAdult tooth loss is often not a concern people keep at the forefront of their minds, as routine preventive care at home can prevent that, right? The answer to this, however is: not necessarily. In fact, a number of factors can contribute to tooth loss or result in extraction as the only means for preserving your oral health, including hygiene, how often your visit the dentist, and everything in-between. When a structure must be removed, however, you are not out of the woods yet as a number of concerns can arise from a missing structure. With that in mind, your Prairie Village, KS dentist wants to let you know about three ways a dental implant can restore your grin, including addressing one or several missing teeth.

The Effects of Tooth Loss

When you experience tooth loss, multiple concerns arise. First, if you do not have the structure replaced, it can increase likelihood of future tooth loss among surrounding structures. Second, the open space will cause functional issues, including difficulties biting, chewing, and even with enunciation. Not only that, but your bite will readjust to attempt to accommodate the missing structure, causing unevenness and discomfort or pain. Finally, the section of jaw that is no longer housing a tooth root essentially will not have a purpose, causing deterioration down the line if not addressed.

Addressing a Single Tooth

In order to prevent these concerns from occurring, your dentist may recommend the benefits of a dental implant and restoration. An implant is a titanium post that functions as an artificial root, while a restoration is a custom-made crown that functions as an artificial tooth. Your dentist will place the titanium post in an optimal spot utilizing advanced dental technology. Once the jaw bone heals around the post, a secure bond will be created that is strong enough to withstand regular bite pressure, and the restoration will be custom-designed to mimic the natural textures and shade of your other teeth.

Replacing Multiple or all Teeth

One of the many benefits implant dentistry is the ability to replace as few or as many structures as needed. For patients missing multiple adjacent teeth, an implant-secured dental bridge can be utilized to complete your grin. If you are missing all of your structures, that can be addressed as well with dentures. We utilize a method known as All-on-4, which secures your custom denture to your gums with four strategically placed implant posts, reducing the amount of recovery time or extensive treatment needed. For more information, contact our team today.

Contact Our Team Today

To learn more about the many ways implants can benefit you, or to schedule your appointment with our team, contact Robert M Browne, DDS in Prairie Village, KS by calling 913-901-8585 today.