Oral Cancer: Things To Consider

There are some things you might want to consider when it comes to doing what you can to safeguard your smile against oral cancer. Of course, you know that there are some details that may make you more likely to develop it, some of which you can control and some of which you cannot. Then, of course, there’s your care with our team, the details of which you may not entirely understand when it comes to preventing cancer. We can get these areas of uncertainty sorted for you lickety split!

Risk Factors You Can’t Change

There are some risk factors associated with oral cancer that you cannot do anything about. For instance, men are more likely to develop this disease. Furthermore, individuals over the age of 55 are also more likely. So, should you give up? Nope! What you should do it focus on making good choices, caring for your oral health, and seeing us consistently for preventive care, which can help considerably.

Risk Factors You Can Change

Now, there are also risk factors that you can control, which means if you want to keep oral cancer at bay, it’s wise to steer clear of them. Remember the following, so you’re doing all that you can:

  • Don’t smoke or use other tobacco products, as they may increase your odds of developing oral cancer
  • Don’t drink too much alcohol; if you’re imbibing multiple drinks on a daily basis, this may contribute
  • Enjoy a healthy diet, so your body is strong
  • Remember to wear your daily sunscreen to protect the delicate tissues around your mouth

How We Help

We help you by providing oral cancer screenings during your checkups with us. When you see us two times a year, you receive the screenings that let us know if things are changing. This very early assessment means you can receive treatment before the illness even has a chance to fully develop.

Protect Yourself From Oral Cancer

Keeping up with preventive care helps you protect yourself from oral cancer. See our team for your visit and screening two times a year. Learn more by scheduling a visit in Prairie Village, KS by calling Robert M Browne, DDS at (913) 901-8585.