Oral Cancer Screenings

Regular dental exams provide important updates about your overall oral health. These reviews deliver feedback on more than just the presence or absence of dental decay and gum disease. At exams, we also provide regular checks for the warning signs of oral cancer. Comprehensive screenings during your visits check for abnormal areas of tissue on the tongue, esophagus, throat, cheeks, and other areas where this disease can form.

The Importance Of Regular Oral Cancer Screenings

Nearly 50,000 new patients are expected to develop oral cancer in a given year. While this condition can be fatal, early detection and treatment can significantly raise chances at successful treatment. Dr. Browne will closely check for the onset of any tissue changes that make further review necessary. We also provide guidance to help patients check themselves at home.

Home reviews for oral cancer are important. To see if you should be concerned, stand before a well-lit mirror, open your mouth wide, and check for signs such as:

  • Rough patches of skin on your cheeks, palate, and other areas
  • White or red patches that may or may not itch
  • Changes in the color and/or texture of your tongue
  • Sores that do not heal after several days
  • Ulcers, lesions, and other growths—especially any growths that bleed

Our Prairie Village, KS Dental Office Provides Oral Cancer Screenings For Patients

Oral cancer screenings improve your chances at early detection and treatment, which will make recovery from the disease more likely. If you would like to find out more about our role in evaluating you for this and other conditions, call our Prairie Village, KS dental office at 913-901-8585.